Implementing a Distributor Management System is not just limited to product installation or hosting at the parent company. It involves rollouts and training to the vastly spread distributor network as well. Whether you have opted for a traditional DMS, portal-based DMS or a Tally integrated DMS such as EAZY DMS, distributor rollouts play a major role in the successful implementation. It requires hand-holding to cater to the day-to-day queries of the Distributor/Dealer on how to use the system efficiently.
At EAZY DMS, our expertise lies not just in our product, but in the way, the distributor rollouts are handled on PAN India basis. We are partnered with an extensive network of Tally & Busy Partners across the country that physically visits the distributors and trains them on how to use the solution efficiently. Due to this expertise, we can easily achieve close to 100 rollouts in a month. At EAZY DMS, we lay stress on onsite rollouts of DMS at the distributor level as compared to online training keeping in consideration the limited connectivity, infrastructure at the distributor's end
Advantages of Onsite Rollouts vs. Online Trainings
1. Product Testing & Training: Once the Distributor Management System has been linked with the distributor's existing accounting system (Tally or Busy), the work has just begun. Now comes the product testing phase, followed by the Distributor's staff training so that all know how to utilize the new product. An on-site implementation consultant is present to both test the system and offers hands-on training sessions to all the staff. This takes the worry and guesswork out of using the new DMS so your company can get more out of this investment.
2. Local Presence: Since EAZY DMS partners with regional Tally & Busy partners spread across India, all our distributor rollouts are handled by them. Our local partners experience less resistance during rollouts from the distributors as they are already associated with them in the past, can speak the local language and understand their pain areas in a better manner.
3. Local Support: It is much easier to resolve issues as and when they arise through local Tally / Busy Partners as they have access to the right people at the right time. Our local partners can visit the distributors, provide trainings or solve issues without an added cost to the company. Not only does this help to reduce the impact of those practical problems that arise at the start of every rollout, it lasts throughout the project, allowing the team and the distributors to work together.
4. On-Time Delivery: Out of sight is definitely out of mind. In an online training, the immediacy and urgency of the project tends to slip from the mind of the distributors. The priorities of their day-jobs take over and the collective time that the distributors dedicate to the project starts to wane. Key decisions get delayed and key questions go unanswered for days, or even weeks, at a time and without them you can start to see timeline slippage.
5. Strong collaboration: The physical divide between the project team and the distributors apparent in an online training manifests a psychological divide as it stands in the way of developing trusted relationships. However, during an onsite rollout, a "one team" approach works as the local partners spend their time on-site, allowing them to embed themselves within the distributor's business.
6. Reduced boarding & lodging cost: The increased expense and time required to have a project team based on-site is considerable and this alone is enough to deter some businesses from running onsite implementations. As EAZY DMS leverages the vast network of Tally & Busy partners, we are able to achieve onsite rollouts at a very nominal cost.
7. Reduced Time to Implement: While some of the aspects of a distributor rollout can be managed remotely, it can take weeks and even months if there is a large amount of data to manage, this can be reduced simply by having an on-site implementation consultant to handle the tasks at the distributor end, working directly with key team members to accomplish more in less time. Problems and questions can be ironed out immediately.
The benefits of onsite rollouts delivery easily outweigh the risks involved. When opting for a new DMS, remember to ask your solution provider about on-site distributor rollouts as opposed to online training services so you can get the most out of your distributor management system with least resistance from your distributors.
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